The Line of Heart is that Line which runs across the hand under the fingers and generally rises under the base of the first, and runs off the side of the hand under the base of the fourth or little finger). The Line of Heart relates purely... Read more of The Line Of Heart As Indicating The Affectionate And Emotional Nature at Palm Readings.orgInformational Site Network Informational
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Gary Ridgeway

A police dog responds to an ad for work with the FBI. "Well," says the personnel director, "You'll have to meet some strict requirements. First, you must type at least 60 words per minute." Sitting down at the typewriter, the dog types out 80 wor... Read more of Bilingual Dog at Free

What is called the Line of Marriage is that mark or marks, as the case may be, found on the side of the Mount under the fourth finger. I will first proceed to give all the details possible about these lines, and then call my reader's attentio... Read more of Signs Relating To Marriage at Palm
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Gary Ridgeway (Green River Killer) started killing in the year 1982. The official number of people that were killed were 48 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 60 people. The last reported murder was on 1998. The murders took place in Oregon, Washington.

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