"Yes," she said, from her seat in the dark corner, "I'll tell you an experience if you care to listen. And, what's more, I'll tell it briefly, without trimmings--I mean without unessentials. That's a thing story-tellers never do, you know," ... Read more of The Woman's Ghost Story at Scary Stories.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Joel Rifkin

SELF-PRESERVATION is nature's first law, and the first and essential means of preserving one's existence is the taking of food and drink sufficient to nourish the body, sustain its strength and repair the forces thereof weakened by labor, fatig... Read more of GLUTTONY at Catholic Prayer.ca

What is called the Line of Marriage is that mark or marks, as the case may be, found on the side of the Mount under the fourth finger. I will first proceed to give all the details possible about these lines, and then call my reader's atten... Read more of Signs Relating To Marriage at Palm Readings.org
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Joel Rifkin (Joel the Ripper) started killing in the year 1989. The official number of people that were killed were 9 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 17 people. The last reported murder was on 1993. The murders took place in New York.

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