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Kendall Francois

1 wine glass of water 1 pinch of salt 1 red candle 1 light blue candle 1 red rose (no scars or imperfections for best results) 1 round hand-held mirror Drop the pinch of salt into the glass of water saying Beaut... Read more of ETERNAL BEAUTY SPELL at White

An old man and woman were married for years even though they hated each other. When they had a fight, screams and yelling could be heard deep into the night. A constant statement was heard by the neighbors who feared the man the most... "When I d... Read more of Black Magic at Free
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Kendall Francois (The Poughkeepsie Killer) started killing in the year 1996. The official number of people that were killed were 8 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 10 people. The last reported murder was on 1998. The murders took place in New York.

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