On 16th November, 1870, Mr. Shchapoff, a Russian squire, the narrator, came home from a visit to a country town, Iletski, and found his family in some disarray. There lived with him his mother and his wife's mother, ladies of about sixty-nine,... Read more of The Dancing Devil at Scary Stories.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Kenneth McDuff

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An out-of-towner accidentally drives his car into a deep ditch on the side of a country road. Luckily a farmer happened by with his big old horse named Benny. The man asked for help. The farmer said Benny could pull his car out. So he backed Benn... Read more of Horse power at Free Jokes.ca
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Kenneth McDuff (The Broomstick Killer) started killing in the year 1989. The official number of people that were killed were 5 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 14 people. The last reported murder was on 1991. The murders took place in Texas.

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