Spell for relationships gone very bad. If someone keeps hassling you and you're having trouble getting them out of your life then give this spell a try. Supplies: 8" yellow candle 8" blue candle 8" gray candle a cheap knife charcoal heavy-duty sa... Read more of SPELL TO FREEZE SOMEONE OUT OF YOUR LIFE at White Magic.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Donald Gaskins

EFFECT The magician borrows a coin from the spectator and is seen to take a bite out of the coin. PREPARATION Take a quarter and file one side of it down so it looks like someone has bitten a chunk of it off. METHOD Approach a spectato... Read more of Coin bite Trick at Card Trick.ca

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Donald Gaskins (Meanest Man in America, The Redneck Charles Manson) started killing in the year 1953. The official number of people that were killed were 9 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 100 people. The last reported murder was on 1982. The murders took place in South Carolina.

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