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Suzan Carson

"Look here, Dinah," said Binks, as he opened a questionable egg at breakfast, "is this the freshest egg you can find?" "Naw, suh," replied Dinah. "We done got a haff dozen laid diss mornin', suh, but de bishop's comin' down hyar in August, ... Read more of GUESTS at Free Jokes.ca

On the road leading north from Manchester, in eastern Kentucky, to Booneville, twenty miles away, stood, in 1862, a wooden plantation house of a somewhat better quality than most of the dwellings in that region. The house was destroyed by ... Read more of The Spook House at Scary Stories.ca
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Suzan Carson ( ) started killing in the year 1981. The official number of people that were killed were 3 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 4 people. The last reported murder was on 1983. The murders took place in California.

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