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Mark Goudeau

#728 Interviewer: Watt McKinney Person interviewed: James Gill R.F.D. Marvell, Arkansas Age: 86 Occupation: Farmer "Uncle Jim" Gill, an ex-slave eighty-six years of age, owns a nice two hundred acre farm ... Read more of James Gill at Martin Luther

"Mary, the wife of John Goffe of Rochester, being afflicted with a long illness, removed to her father's house at West Mulling, about nine miles from her own. There she died on 4th June, this present year, 1691. "The day before her departur... Read more of The Dying Mother {101} at Scary
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Mark Goudeau (The Baseline Killer) started killing in the year 2005. The official number of people that were killed were 9 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 10 people. The last reported murder was on 2006. The murders took place in Arizona.

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