A writer has given the following directions for making a "home-made Ouija Board," viz., "A Planchette may be used as an 'Ouija' by laying down a sheet of paper upon which the letters of the alphabet have been written or printed in a fairly larg... Read more of A Home-made Ouija Board at Mediumship.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Cleophus Prince

The matter in this chapter does not seem, strictly speaking, to come under the head of any of the preceding ones: it contains no account of houses or places permanently haunted, or of warnings of impending death. Rather we have gathered up... Read more of Miscellaneous Supernormal Experiences at Scary Stories.ca

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Cleophus Prince (The Clairemont Killer) started killing in the year 1990. The official number of people that were killed were 6 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 6 people. The last reported murder was on 1990. The murders took place in California.

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