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David Ray

On the 29th of June, 1852, Henry Clay died. In that month the two great political parties, in their national conventions, had accepted as a finality all the compromise measures of 1850, and the last hours of the Kentucky statesman were br... Read more of THE STORY OF UNCLE TOM'S CABIN at Martin Luther

There was once a king of Prussia whose name was Frederick William. On a fine morning in June he went out alone to walk in the green woods. He was tired of the noise of the city, and he was glad to get away from it. So, as he walked among... Read more of THE KINGDOMS at Stories
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David Ray (Toy-Box Killer) started killing in the year 1950. The official number of people that were killed were 14 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 60 people. The last reported murder was on 1999. The murders took place in New Mexico.

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