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James Swann

Great discontent had long existed among the Italian subjects of Rome. They were not only oppressed, but they enjoyed no political privileges. They did not belong to the class of burgesses. With the view of extending the Roman franchise, ... Read more of The Revolt Of Italy And The Social War at Ancient

A becomes an before a vowel or before h mute for the sake of euphony or agreeable sound to the ear. An apple, an orange, an heir, an honor, etc. STYLE It is the object of every writer to put his thoughts into as effective f... Read more of A OR AN at Speaking
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James Swann (Shotgun Stalker) started killing in the year 1993. The official number of people that were killed were 4 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 4 people. The last reported murder was on 1993. The murders took place in District of Columbia.

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