1340. If the right cheek burns, some one is speaking well of you; if the left, they are speaking ill of you; if both, they speak well and ill at once. Moisten the finger in the mouth and touch it to the cheek, naming those whom you suspect; ... Read more of Bodily Affections at Superstitions.caInformational Site Network Informational
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Dale Anderson

(7-column head) One hundred years ago this week there was launched at New York the ship Savannah, which may be called the father of the scores of steamers that are now carrying our soldiers and supplies from the New World to the Old World. ... Read more of CENTENNIAL OF THE FIRST STEAMSHIP TO CROSS THE ATLANTIC at Difficult.ca

Martin Luther King.ca - Read famous historial articles or little known poems speaking about the black experience throughout history. Visit Martin Luther King.ca
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Dale Anderson ( ) started killing in the year 1978. The official number of people that were killed were 2 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 5 people. The last reported murder was on 1989. The murders took place in Missouri.

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