Effect: There are four islands in an ocean. Each has a king, queen, a son named Jack (the Jack will be used,) and a dog named Ace (the Ace will be used.) One day, a hurricane storms through the ocean, creating complete chaos and wiping everything on ... Read more of Four Islands at Card Trick.caInformational Site Network Informational
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John Armstrong

A man much addicted to the heinous sin of drunkenness, in coming home late one winter's night, had to cross Stepney church-yard; where, close to the foot path, a deep grave had been opened the day before. He, being very drunk, staggered in... Read more of The Milkman And Church-yard Ghost at Scary Stories.ca

BY MRS. M. R. ALLEN A long time ago there was a Bear that had a fine pea patch. He and his wife had to work in the field every day, so they left their little girl at home to keep house. One fine morning Br'er (which means "Brother") Rabbit... Read more of The Rabbit And The Peas at Children Stories.ca
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John Armstrong ( ) started killing in the year 1992. The official number of people that were killed were 5 but many believe this person was responsible for the deaths of 11 people. The last reported murder was on 2000. The murders took place in Michigan, Illinois, North Carolina, Virginia, Hawaii.

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